We wake at 5 am. It sounds like it’s raining outside. I
journal, procrastinating whether to traipse down to the Loch of Strathbeg. It’s
not really the season for Loch of Strathbeg.
Our room with a view to the east pays off when I head across
to the window and find that the cloud over on the horizon is blushed pink with
the rising sun.
6 am we steel ourselves and drag ourselves out to the car
for a look. I know I’ll regret it if we pass up the opportunity to get even a
rough idea of what it’s like. It’s not far from the Tufted Duck Hotel to the
Loch. We Go.
There’s not a lot of cars about but nearing the RSPB reserve
there’s several people out walking. We misinterpret the welcome sign and miss
the turn and go round again. Well, it wouldn’t be like us to find anything the
first time, no matter how obvious. The morning is crisp and clear and the
ground is moist. Hubby waits in the car while I go for a little exploratory
walk. This takes me along a firm path made of a sort of crushed gravelly
material that is fine and grey and I’m overlooking what looks like a marshy
area of ground that would probably provide good shelter and feed for birds.
When the path runs out it turns into two wheel lanes. I trudge on. The fields
either side of this rough road have had the fodder harvested and the large
round plastic wrapped bales sit here and there.
Beyond this there is a seat overlooking a wide expanse of ground before, over in the far distance, I can see water.
We have an extremely sharp deadline this morning. So now armed with a better idea of the area, though probably woefully incomplete, I turn and head back to the car. It’s been lovely to be out and about in the crisp early morning.
We have an extremely sharp deadline this morning. So now armed with a better idea of the area, though probably woefully incomplete, I turn and head back to the car. It’s been lovely to be out and about in the crisp early morning.
We pack up and head down to breakfast. We seem to be the only ones up this early.
The layout is explained to us for the help yourself breakfast items which
includes cereals, prepared exotic fruits, yoghurt and juices but no
pastries. I like a bit of fruit and
yoghurt and we both have a bowl of cereal. A decision I soon regret. Time
comes when we are ordering from the hot menu. Hubby orders a full Scottish
which included both black pudding and haggis and very nice, very small mushies
sliced up. It only had one egg but that was plenty accompanied by the pork
sausage, baked beans and, drum roll please, a slice of fried bread. That’s
unexpected! I’m not letting it get away without begging some. I loved fried
bread when I was little and Dad’s mum used to make it for us as a snack to take
home in the car when we visited. Delicious.
Although I had planned to skip it, I end up ordering a bowl
of porridge, curious to see how they make it here. That might seem a bit odd I
suppose, but both sets of my grandparents have a mix of English and Scottish in
their background. Mum never salts her porridge. Dad insists that it’s not
proper porridge if it’s not salted. I guess I’m looking for adjudication. I’m
thinking Dad’s probably correct. His family has more Scottish in it than Mum’s
and his maternal line is pure Scottish and proudly so and they’d be the ones
making the porridge. They would know. I’m not out of the woods yet though. The
menu says the porridge comes lightly salted and served with cream and honey and
it can be made with either milk or water. I have a decision to make so I get
talking with our pretty young waitress. I ask her to have them make the
porridge how she would have it. So that’s with the milk and no salt, but she
does concede it’s supposed to be salted, she just prefers it without.
My porridge arrives and it is big. I wish I hadn’t already
had other things. The oats that have been used are chopped up and so the
porridge seems a finer texture than we have readily available at home.
Interesting. It is a thick creamy consistency and I enjoy it. However I must
say, I think it would be good with a little salt. I resolve to skip the breakfast bar and have porridge
We’re now really cutting it finer than I had planned and we
are further delayed by friendly chatting with the two young people who are on
the early shift today, which includes our waitress from breakfast. Both seem
like lovely young people and it’s hard to drag ourselves away. Hubby is very vocal on his regret to be leaving the Tufted Duck, he's been really happy here overnight and says he'd like to come back and stay longer. There's certainly plenty around here to do that we didn't get to.
Right, we’re on the road and we’re not speeding but we’re
not doing the tourist mosey either. Hubby means business and we’re making up time
on the TomTom estimate. Just as well because we discover that the A920 is
closed up around Glass and we’re obliged to take a poorly signposted detour. Oh
lord help us. This chews up the time we had made up. We arrive into Dufftown
just a few minutes before our scheduled tour time of 10 o’clock. Now all we
have to do is find Balvenie Distillery. I know it is right next door to
Glenfiddich but it’s not exactly where I had thought looking at a map. We implement our specialty of round and round
the garden and resort once more to Dr Google. Done, we rush along the path down
through the demonstration patch of barley mixed with a smattering of red
poppies and cornflowers and keep a look out for the white office described in
our tour booking confirmation. Done.
We arrive all apologies and not to worries and join the
group who have been enjoying a coffee on comfortable leather sofas. The trouble
is there’s no seats for us and we are obliged to stand. Our group is 9 people.
Four North Americans in one group (from both Canada and the US), a group of
three from Belgium and us two Aussies. A
bit of an explanation about the history of the distillery and William Grant and
Sons Distillers Ltd, of which Balvenie is part and then we’re off to begin the
tour from the beginning of the whisky making process – malting the barley. Balvenie still grow their own barley but not
in sufficient quantity to meet the demand. These days there are specialist
malting businesses that can supply better quality at a cheaper price than
distilleries could do themselves so fewer and fewer distilleries are
maintaining this aspect of the process as an in-house activity. Balvenie blends
their own malted barley with externally sourced barley. We see the grain being
stored, then soaked, then germinated, then dried along with an explanation of
the changes that take place within the grain. It is a process of converting the
starch to sugars, making beer and then distilling the alcohol from that beer
and developing the flavour through aging it.
The drying of the germinated grain is done through a
combination of peat smoke and dry heat. Only moist grain will absorb the smoke
flavour, so once it gets to a certain point the smoke is stopped and clean
smokeless heat created by burning Welsh anthracite is used to finish the
drying. Earlier in the tour we tasted the barley at the start as it sits in
storage waiting sufficient quantity for processing. We now taste the drying
barley and experience the increased sweetness. With a grain or two of barley
chewing and sweetening in our mouths we head back down the stairs where we have
a look at the peat fuel and fire and the pretty blue flame on the burning
anthracite. On our way we pass back by the floor where the barley was drying
after its first soaking. A couple of the staff of Balvenie are using a special
plough and wooden shovels to turn and move the barley to make way for the next
batch to be dumped on the floor from the soaking vat we looked at earlier.
The seed needs to have germination halted at the right point
and when dried it is mashed and mixed again with water and left to brew a beer
aka a wort. Now we’re off again to see the huge wooden vats where the spring
water and mash is sitting, brewing away. We
taste the water at the beginning of the process, and again towards the end. I’m
not a beer drinker, actually I’m not really a drinker at all but I steel myself
and participate. It’s not bad. Hubby actually thinks the beer at the end of the
process is very nice and licks as much of his hand as possible before heading
for the sink. There’s nothing dignified about using your hand for a cup!
When it is ready, the wort needs to be cooled and this is
done by heat transfer using river water. We pass by the wort cooler and a
“shaker” contraption that is used to make sure there’s nothing like little
stones in the barley before it goes through the rollers, for obvious reasons: stones would damage the rollers and reduce efficiency. We’re getting to the pointy
end of the process now as we enter the distillation area with the big copper
vats and spirit safes and we learn about the distillation cycle.
The next step requires us to travel in the Landrover over to
the cooperage where a team of coopers work repairing barrels for use in the
aging of the whisky. Nice flowers over here as well.
Scotch whisky does not use new barrels it needs barrels that have already be used to age a different variety of alcohol. Luckily, American Bourbon whisky requires new barrels so their cast offs are bought up by the whisky distilleries. The other type of barrels used are cast offs from the Spanish sherry industry. These barrels are enormous. Each barrel is also used more than once. The age and type of barrel used to age the whisky has a significant impact on the colour and flavour of the whisky produced. We watch as the coopers go about their work. They use reeds imported from the Netherlands to create a seal in the butt end of the barrel and they have a fabulous machine that pushes the metal bands down tight around the barrel. This saves a lot of hard graft for the coopers. We have a look at some staves that illustrate the sorts of damage that would require the cask to be repaired before use, and note the moisture penetration in to the wood and the sign that the barrel is no longer usable for the whisky maturation. Old barrels are used for firewood or sometimes as pot planters.
Scotch whisky does not use new barrels it needs barrels that have already be used to age a different variety of alcohol. Luckily, American Bourbon whisky requires new barrels so their cast offs are bought up by the whisky distilleries. The other type of barrels used are cast offs from the Spanish sherry industry. These barrels are enormous. Each barrel is also used more than once. The age and type of barrel used to age the whisky has a significant impact on the colour and flavour of the whisky produced. We watch as the coopers go about their work. They use reeds imported from the Netherlands to create a seal in the butt end of the barrel and they have a fabulous machine that pushes the metal bands down tight around the barrel. This saves a lot of hard graft for the coopers. We have a look at some staves that illustrate the sorts of damage that would require the cask to be repaired before use, and note the moisture penetration in to the wood and the sign that the barrel is no longer usable for the whisky maturation. Old barrels are used for firewood or sometimes as pot planters.
No photos are allowed in our final area which is a dark and
gloomy, earthen floored maturation space. Clearly this is only a sample of what
they have on site and there’s barrels here dating from as long ago as
1967. David uses the whisky dog to take
a sample from one that is aged 41 years and we head to a space where three
casks of whisky are set up for us to try. The difference between the whisky in
the various barrels is the number of times the barrel has been used and the age
of maturation and also the type of barrel. Now we can, if we want to, take one of the
little bottles and use the whisky dog to fill the little bottle with whisky
from one of these casks. We each do one
and others do too and we compare the colour of the whisky one to the other.
Hubby likes the first one and I like the second.
We head back to the office building and into a little room
for the tasting part of the program. Me
and another fellow take most of our samples in a little bottle of our own special
12 yr blend because we’re both planning on driving immediately after the tour. Any blend is
only as old as the youngest whisky included in it. Hubby’s enjoying this bit
and signs up to qualify for a taste of the 41 year old single malt. We have
water available and are provided with pipettes we can use to control the
quantity of water in the liquor. It is emphasised all along the way that there
are no right or wrong ways to enjoy whisky. Whatever flavours you think you
identify is correct, it’s all subjective. You can like whatever you want and
that’s the main thing. Some like older maturation, some like younger. Hubby
prefers the younger vintage. Isn’t that convenient! As we’re tasting we also
hear about the cold filtering process that is used. There’s nothing wrong with
pure whisky going a bit cloudy but some people don’t like it so the whisky is
chilled and filtered to remove the elements that go cloudy. They also
standardise the alcohol content by adding spring water so that the product
bottled is uniform.
In due course our tasting session comes to its conclusion. I
preferred the Caribbean. We head across to the shop where we pay for our tour
and get our little bottles we filled ourselves packed up ready for travel,
perhaps buy some whisky or whatever and our time at Balvenie comes to an end.
It’s been a really fascinating tour. It’s a brilliant way to publicise your
brand. We will certainly have a soft spot for Balvenie and for Glenfiddich
going forward. We’re both happy to have
spent the morning on this tour.
Back again past the barley and wildflowers, we’re strolling
and chatting, in no particular rush. It’s no time before we’re wandering into
Glenfiddich Distillery to find the Malt Barn Restaurant. Glenfiddich is
schmick. Beautiful buildings and gardens, lots of people about. This is not
unexpected of course, it’s like wine country isn’t it. Wine cellar doors are
usually schmick in Australia so we’re not surprised, but still impressed. We are shown to our table and order our meals.
Then I duck out to the ladies (toilets) and this requires me to go through a
lovely stained glass door. In the corridor that leads to the tour area of
Glenfiddich there is the most delicious smell. In the bathrooms they have some
really nice smelling handwash. I wish I’d written down what it was but it made
the room smell brilliant. It wasn’t cloying and floral, more whisky-like I
suppose I’d describe it. Anyhow it reminded me of the beautiful lemon verbena
handwash they were using when we visited Burghley in 2012, very distinctive and
memorable. But I digress.
Lunch. Hubby: Haggis Neeps and Tatties with a whisky sauce.
Me: Smoked Salmon fishcakes with salad and home-made tartare sauce. For dessert we can’t resist the whisky
scented vanilla panna cotta with berries and shortbread. We each enjoy our own
meals and the panna cotta – which is enormous! Lunching at the Malt Room
restaurant has been a very nice way to finish our visit.
It’s now almost two hours since Hubby had is last drink and
we spend a little time calculating the number of standard drinks we think he
had at the tasting, considering the high alcohol content of the samples, and
the quantity. My sample bottle was useful in guessing the total volume. We calculate he
should be OK by now, so he’s behind the wheel. We figure he’s safer than me
because he’s had considerably more sleep. And we’re off.
We’re heading for Knockando Wool Mill. We only
do a little bit of mucking about before we decide we’ll just use Dr Google for
directions. Our route takes us through some beautiful wooded country. Green and
lush. We drop down into a little valley by a small heavily tannin stained watercourse which is known locally as a burn, as it is in New Zealand.
Parking is no problem and we stroll in to see the buildings, but not before I take a short detour to look at the burn.The restoration is all done well and our first highlight is the water wheel which is turning steadily, driven by a surprisingly small amount of water. It well and truly captured Hubby’s attention.
First stop is the shop. They have a little room where a documentary about the wool mill is playing. It’s interesting but we don’t want to spend the time on it today, so Hubby decides we’ll buy the copy of it on USB. We very very much admire the picnic rugs with wax backs but they’re really heavy so we skip those because they are just too heavy to fit in our luggage. They have some lovely rugs and blankets and we choose one that goes with our décor at home. We were really impressed that when asked how much it weighs they just had to make a quick call and the answer was immediate – 1.265 kgs.
We head out to explore the buildings and the old machinery
which is not in use today. We find a couple of people in one of the other
buildings and are just peering in from a little roped area when they call over
to us to come on in. We wander over and they explain that the man is just
setting up the new (26 years old) machine for the next job. They see our
blanket and tell us it was woven on this machine that can do 8 blankets an
hour. The lady uses the traditional machinery and she can produce 2 blankets an
hour on that. I ask if they’re getting good demand for their products, I assume
they must do to be investing in the faster machinery and yes, they are getting
the orders rolling in. I’m pleased that these include orders for the fabrics
required for the ceremonial dress of a number of military units.
It's a great pleasure to see the regeneration of this site and this industry in the local area. It's brilliant. There's signs up again that it was opened by Prince Charles. Nothing that suggests the Regeneration Trust had anything to do with the work that was done, but there's no question, this would be right up his alley.
It's a great pleasure to see the regeneration of this site and this industry in the local area. It's brilliant. There's signs up again that it was opened by Prince Charles. Nothing that suggests the Regeneration Trust had anything to do with the work that was done, but there's no question, this would be right up his alley.
We leave the site at just about closing time and head for
Carrbridge and our accommodation for the next couple of nights. Just after we
cross the River Spey a pheasant risks its life stepping out on the road. We pass by a sign saying we’re entering
Cairngorms National Park. The scenery is fabulous. Man has tamed the valleys
and slopes, but the heather owns the heights and is flowering beautifully.
We don’t have any problem finding where we need to be and a
friendly English man attends to our check in and shows us to our room and gives
us the run down on breakfast etc. He asks us about our dinner plans and gives
us useful advice about times and places and the impact of Thunder in the Glens. On his advice we make a booking for
Anderson’s tomorrow night. They are already quite heavily booked so we have a
choice of quite early or rather late. We make it 6pm despite that meaning we
might need to curtail our tour tomorrow. For tonight we’ll head over for an early
dinner at the Cairn Hotel, which is well regarded and popular.We drive. It’s only across the road and up a bit and not a
long way to walk, but Hubby is footsore and every little bit helps. No great
rush on in here as yet, though there’s plenty of patrons in the bar where we
take a table to enjoy the atmosphere.
Hubby orders a Tennent’s Lager which is on tap and comments that
he’s not surprised it’s popular. It’s cold too, which is always a good start.
Our meals: Me, I’m out on my own ordering langoustines for a
starter. I’m a bit surprised when they arrive in their shell for me to peel.
Oh. OK. I’ve never shelled a langoustine before, they’re quite expensive in Aus
and tend to be prepared for you in those places that have them. They’re like a
spikey and dangerous prawn for not so much reward. By the way, most prawns in
Australia are bigger than these langoustines and have a stronger flavour. Consequently
these seem a little insipid.
My main is the macaroni cheese with smoked haddock in it.
Yes. Symptoms of smoked haddock obsession there. I’ve had it at both lunch and
dinner today. My meal is better once we
beg some salt from the table next door. I’m a bit over the macaroni cheese
though I think. It’s a bit runny. I like it a bit stodgier really.
Hubby sticks with just a main of Steak and Ale Pie. Which I
note takes an inexcusable short cut. It’s basically steak and ale stew with a
separately cooked blob of flakey pastry plonked on top. Hmmfff says I. A pie
should have the pastry cooked on the meat to get the contact and delicious
soaking of flavour into the pastry.. I’m glad I didn’t order that but Hubby’s
enjoying it.
Desserts we decide to share a Cranachan Sundae. OOOHHH it is
GOOOOD! Oh boy we’re glad we ordered
that! A bit more oats would have made it even better.